Apple Orchard Maintenance | Minnesota
Starting & Caring For An Apple Orchard In Minnesota, Michigan, And Wisconsin
Here we will cover the following topics; ways to start an Apple Orchard, planting bare root whips, caring for your apple trees, purchasing root stock, & collecting scion-wood.
Starting An Apple Orchard
To start an apple orchard you can begin with less than one acre or start with a much large parcel. But how fast you want to start getting fruit will determine how you will develop your orchard. If you have the time, you may want to consider starting by collecting apple scions, purchasing your own apple root stock, and raising your own trees. This will require 2 extra years in developing your apple orchard as these new root stocks will need to be raised in a protected area until they are large enough to transplant. If time is an issue and cost not a concern then you can purchase 5/8″ bare root transplants and get your apple orchard producing fruit within 2-3 years, depending on if you plant dwarf, semi-dwarf, or Standard Apple Trees.
Dwarf, Semi-Dwarf, or Standard Trees
When starting an Orchard you need to consider how long it will take to get fruit, how much land you have, how big of a trees you are interested in, and how long each type of tree will produce good fruit. If you have deer you will need to add fencing to protect your trees, especially if they are dwarfs. For Semi-dwarfs and standard trees the fencing can be removed once the trees are 3-4 inches in diameter and 10 feet tall.
When to order Root Stock – 4 Easy Steps
When To Order Your Root Stock The time to order your root stock is in late Summer or early Fall. You want to be one of the first to get
Picking Wild Berries – Getting Out To Nature
Picking Wild Berries In the Mid West the time to pick wild berries is July and August. You can start with the Red & Yellow Raspberry, then the Black Raspberry
How to Grow Fruit Trees – Easy and Affordable
How To Grow Fruit Trees From Cuttings It's easy to Clone (exact Genetic Coding) and grow fruit trees and see results within just a few weeks, but what is the
Deer Gallery – Apple Orchard 2014
Deer Gallery This was our first year for picture taking of the Deer coming into our Apple Orchard. We will continue for 2015 and compare year over year. What I
How to start an Apple Orchard | Apple Orchard Startup Cost
Starting an Apple Orchard in the Mid-West If you are interested in starting an apple orchard for a hobby then 1 acre is plenty, however if you are interested in
Saving a 2 year old Apple Tree
Grafting To A 2yr Old Tree Can you save a new 5/8" transplant the did not grow well the first year and started to die? Yes, and I will show
Collecting and Storing Apple Tree Scions
What are Apple Tree Scions Scions are first year growth stems on your fruit trees. They start growing in early Spring and are typically cut in the Fall. They will
How to Prune Your Apple Trees
Pruning Your Apple Trees Pruning trees is not that difficult to learn and can be very enjoyable. If you have just a few trees or maybe a small private orchard
Starting Your Own Apple Orchard
Can you start a private apple orchard on less than an acre Yes, I started my own apple orchard 12 years ago, on less than a half of acre. My