Starting & Caring For An Apple Orchard In Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin
Grafting Apple Trees in Minnesota
Here we will cover the different types of grafting techniques; Bark, Cleft, Bud, and Whip & Tongue.
Bark Graft
When grafting to mature trees or cutting down an older apple tree and starting over is when you will want to use the Bark Graft. Bark grafts are very easy to do fun to watch them grow over the season. See my articles and videos on how to do a bark graft and how to make a 3 in 1 apple tree.
Bud, Cleft, Whip & Tongue Grafts
When grafting to root stock or young trees you will want to use the Bud, Cleft, or Whip & Tongue Grafts. Most grafts are done in the Spring, but the Bud graft is done in July & August. The following articles and videos will review each of these techniques.
How To Grow Apple Trees | Tips For Growing Apple Trees At Home
Starting an Apple Orchard can be very expensive, but there is a way to cut the cost drastically. How, by grafting scions or buds to rootstock and growing your own
When Do You Prune Fruit Trees | Pruning & Grafting Apple Trees.
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How To Grow An Apple Tree | A perfectly Cloned Apple
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Grafting and Budding Fruit Trees & Plants – What Are The Best & Strongest Grafts?
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Bud Grafting Citrus & Apple Trees – Budding
Budding- Best grafting technique Budding, T-Budding, or Shield Budding is a type of grafting that consists of inserting a single bud into a plant, root stock, or young tree. This
How To Graft Fruit Trees To Root stock – Apple Trees
Grafting Techniques for Root Stock when looking at different grafting techniques to use for root-stock there are a few that are more common; Bud Grafting, Whip & Tongue, and the
Why Graft Fruit Trees – Apples
Why Graft To Apple Trees Some cultivars (varieties) of plants do not come true from seeds, for example the seed from a HoneyCrisp Apple will produce an apple tree, but
Grafting – Creating A Three Variety Apple Tree
Creating A Three Variety Apple Tree To demonstrate grafting I have taken one of my mature Connell Red Apple Trees and cut back two thirds of the tree to create
Cleft Grafting Apple Trees – MWOutdoors
Cleft Grafting - One & Two Scions When doing a Cleft Graft you can use either one or two scions. When placing these scions you need to make sure the