United Airlines Puts The Screws To Its Customers!
I planned a fishing trip 2 months in advance in order to get the best prices on flights, lodging, and rentals. For simplicity my best options were to fly out of St Cloud MN or Rochester MN. Since St Cloud is where I work (free parking) I decided to fly out of St Cloud.
United Takes Payment And Books & Confirms Flights
United Airlines had no problem in taking my credit card and sending me a confirmation. I then booked my lodging, vehicle, and fishing trip. A few weeks later I received a call from United Airlines and they need me to call them, as they were no longer flying out of St Cloud. I made the call and they wanted me to rebook through the Minneapolis Airport or to take a full refund. I told them MSP airport would be fine, but that it will cost me close to $400 dollars to drive and park. Their comment; United Airlines does not cover any ground transportation or parking. I then asked for a shuttle to pick me up for St Cloud Airport and to bring me back after my flight. Again, United does not cover any ground transportation or parking. Okay, I will drive home to Rochester MN, so arrange the flights from that airport. Sorry, sir we will not change airlines for you and we don’t fly out of Rochester.
Multiple Calls to United Airlines
After two calls and not getting anywhere with finical support from United to help cover added expense; parking, travel, lodging changes, and possibly having to change my guided fishing trip, I decided I would call them back and take the full refund and book with the airlines I have used for years, Delta.
I then made my final and 3rd call to United Airlines to ask for the full refund. After being put on hold for 15 minutes I finally got them back on the phone just to hear them say they are looking for the wavier to allow my full refund. I told them to take my number and call me back to confirm my full refund, once they had everything figured out. The customer service represented said oh wait I found it, I just need to read it, please wait on the phone.
The Full Refund
Finally United said they had everything they needed and that I will be getting a full refund, but that it will take up to 7 business days before my refund would be seen on my credit card. Wow, I don’t remember it taking 7 business days for them to get my money??
Other Customers Affected
I was asking others if they knew of anyone else that had gotten the same treatment from United and I found a young couple with two children that were planning a trip to visit family in Mexico. They said they were very frustrated with United and that United would not work with them on their added expense either, which is in the hundreds. They too changed airlines!
Your Support!
My hope is this, the next time you’re booking a flight consider another Airline over United just this once. Maybe we can get them to feel the pain we their customers feel each time they take advantage of us.
Thank you!