Gray Fox versus Rabbit
It was a quite and cool Friday night as I headed out to my deer stand and started my second weekend of Archery hunting. With the weather turning cool now I had high expectations of seeing the shooter buck I had captured on my trail camera. Unfortunate I saw no deer this night, but the wildlife I did see and video taped was incredible.
Here two Gray Fox work the area looking for mice or a good Rabbit meal. However, the Rabbit proved to be much smarter as he was following right behind them, entering the area they just left. Here the Fox were under my deer stand and as soon as they left the Rabbit hopped in. If you listen close enough you can also here the Fox call twice in this video.
Multiple Wildlife
Once in my stand it only took about 20 minutes for the two Gray Fox to walk in. Once I new they were not deer, as I could here them long before I could see them, I started to video take them. Throughout the night you will see Fox, Rabbit, Geese, and a Possum all from the same stand.