Best 2018 Spring & Early Summer Bluegill Bait
It’s late May and temperatures have gone from the low 30s to low 90s within two weeks, pushing the Bluegills into the shallows for feeding and spawning.
So I got the fly rods out, put on new leaders (just 6 lb monofilament), waxed the line, and tied on one of our foam spiders we made this past January. See Making your own Dry Spider.
Fly Rods & Bait
During the Spring there is nothing better than a fly rod with a Dry Fly (spider). On these homemade spiders you can catch 50 to 100 bluegills before it falls apart. That’s catching a lot of fish without having to mess with worms or any other type of bait. If you are interested in trying a fly rod then purchase a cheap kit with the fly rod, line and reel and take it out and give it a try. To practice you can watch my videos or just take a spit shot and place it on the end of your leader and practice with it in the backyard.
Bluegill Action
In this video you will see non-stop action as my wife and youngest son try out our new foam spiders. The distance they’re casting the fly-line is 15 to 30 feet, but you can move in closer if needed, it will not push the bluegills off.