Wildgame Innovation’s camera – A Great Game Trail Camera For The Price.
The Wildgame Innovation’s Camera, Model# W4BG is the best game trail camera I have come across, when taking into consideration the quality and cost. The camera’s resolution is 4 MP with a sensor range up to 60 feet. It comes with a 1 year warranty or 30,000 photos. I found this camera at Gander Mountain, on sale for $70, a year ago. It has taken hundreds of photos, withstood the fall and winter season, and is still on its first set of batteries.
The camera does not have an image screen, however this is a plus not a hindrance. A screen would add size, weight and cost, which I see as unfavorable characteristics. Besides, with today’s technology many of us have IPADs, which are easy to carry and will show a better picture off the SD (Scan Disk). Or you can just swap out the SD for another one and take it home to pull up on your PC.
I put this camera out again this year (July of 2014) and it continues to take great pictures day and night. The infrared LED lighting works great and the red flashing light, when a picture is being taken, does not scare the deer at all. In fact, I have many pictures where it gets their attention and they stop to investigate. See the pictures below where this buck just kept checking it out as many other deer have.
If I were to recommend a few improvements it would be; a better focus for close shots and a little better lighting for night pictures. The camera’s focus is fine for 90% of the pictures, it’s just those pictures when the deer is very close when passing by. The night pictures are good, but a little more light would show a lot more detail. I have displayed a few pictures to show you what I mean. You can also see the pictures above, where this buck is to close for a real clear picture (bit blurry). Otherwise, the night time pictures are very good
Over all, I give the Wildgame Innovation’s Invisible Infrared Digital Scouting Camera a 5 Star. You can not beat the price for the quality of this camera. I have 3 different cameras now and this is by far the best of the three, and not the most expensive. My next camera, you guessed it, it will be the same camera family, but maybe a 5 MP or 6 MP.