Creating A Three Variety Apple Tree
To demonstrate grafting I have taken one of my mature Connell Red Apple Trees and cut back two thirds of the tree to create a 3 in 1 Apple Tree; Connell Reds, HoneyCrisp, & Wealthy.
Grafts To Use
Because we are grafting to a mature apple tree we will be using the Cleft and Bark grafts as the branches and trunks will be too large to use a Whip & Tongue graft.
Cutting And Grafting The Tree
Demonstrating how to create a 3 in 1 Apple Tree!
Monitoring The Grafting Progress Throughout The Season
See Part 2, where the grafts are leafing out just after 3 weeks, May 10.
Progress after 10 weeks
See Part 3 and the growth at 10 weeks, June 20th.
Year End Growth Oct 3rd
Now that the season is almost over and the apples are ready to pick we will take a look at how our Scions on our 3 in 1 Apple Tree is doing. These scions have great growth and I expect they will start to bear fruit next year, even though we should wait one more season.