It’s the regular gun season here in Minnesota and It’s not a typical season for this time of the year. The weather started out cool with green grass, but quickly turned cold with snow and rain mix. The number of shots I heard this year was down considerably, but we did manage to capture a few bucks on video for you.

Early Action “Before The Snow”

The Rut is now in full swing and the rattle is still getting attention as we have pulled in a few nice bucks. However, we are still looking for something at that 160 class or bigger.

Deer Silhouettes In The Snow

The snow has definitely made it easier to see the deer, but it’s cold and we struggle to sit for long periods of time in our stands. Even taking videos is difficult.

Late Gun Action

In this last few days of the remaining gun season we have seen fewer deer, most likely due to the hunting pressure, which has made them very cautious. However we did capture a few deer coming in and bedding down within 40 yards of us, which has it’s pros and cons. It’s great having deer bed by you as it brings fresh deer scent giving other deer a sense of security as they come in. The bad thing with this is that you do not want to move and risk the chance of chasing them off.

*As for me I’m looking forward to the Black-Powder Season, when the majority of hunters are out of the woods and things are starting to settled down a bit. Hopefully the weather will calm down and get back to normal temps by then.