2016 Mid-West Morel Mushroom Season Is In Full Swing
It’s the last week of April and we are already finding the Small Gray Morels in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. So don’t hesitate, get out there and start hunting as the small grays and yellows are the best tasting. Also it’s been on the cool side so when we get a couple of nice days these tasty things are going to be in full swing.
Currently we are finding them on the North-West slopes and in areas where there is a lot of wood & bark pieces decaying and moss on the ground. Here are a few pictures from Minnesota. Now don’t wait as we only get 3-4 weeks and they will come fast, with the large gray and yellows next.
Finding The Morel Mushroom – Helpful Tactics
Here I have listed a few helpful tactics that will help you find, clean, and cook your Morels. First find a good walking stick to help with moving vegetation, thorns, and walking on those steep ridges. Next look for dead Elm where the bark is laying around the base of the tree. Make sure to also check those roadside ditches where there are deal Elms, as many just drive by them giving them no thought. You may be surprised as you pick Morels within 2 feet of the road.
Finding the Morels; remember always go back to the places you have found them in the past as they typically will grown in the same place for a few years. Now it’s great to share your Morels, but keep your places secret or you will find people you don’t even know picking in your places. Also try to promote growth by always leaving a few, using an orange bag allowing the spores to drop as you’re walking, and by dumping your cleaning water into the woods, not down the sink.
How to Identify a Morel Mushroom
How to Find Morel Mushrooms
How to clean your Morel Mushrooms
When it comes to cleaning Morel Mushrooms it’s easy and only take 3 simple steps.
One Way To Cook Morel Mushrooms
This is how I like to cook my Morels and eat them right off the plate or put them between two slices of bread with a little butter.